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Expert opinion: digital transformation is no longer a "choice question", but a "required course" related to survival and long-term development

  Xiaoyaqing, Minister of the Ministry of industry and information technology, wrote in the learning times: vigorously promote the high-quality development of the digital economy. Xiaoyaqing emphasized in the article that for the development of manufacturing industry, digital transformation is not a "choice", but a "required course" related to survival and long-term development.

  In today's economic environment, digital economy has become the most important economic form in the world. The outstanding performance of digital economy guides the digital transformation of all aspects of social economy.

  For the development of manufacturing industry, digital transformation is no longer a "choice", but a "required course" related to survival and long-term development.

  The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the development of digital economy and have made a series of major decisions and arrangements.

  The fourteenth five year plan for national economic and social development of the people's Republic of China and the outline of long-term goals for 2035 (hereinafter referred to as the outline of the fourteenth five year plan) put forward that "meet the digital age, activate the potential of data elements, promote the construction of a network power" and "create new advantages in the digital economy".

  At present, a century of changes and a century of epidemics are intertwined and superimposed, economic globalization is encountering a counter current, and a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform are accelerating their evolution. The situation facing China's industrial and information development is grim and complex. It is of great and far-reaching significance to expand and strengthen the digital economy. It is an urgent need to improve the independent and controllable ability of the industrial chain supply chain and create new competitive advantages in the future. It is also an urgent need to promote the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry An important way to support the construction of a new development pattern is also a strategic choice to seize the commanding heights of international competition and grasp the initiative of development.

  Strengthen key core technology research

  Building a safe and controllable information technology system

  In today's era, information technology is the field with the most concentrated R & D investment, the most active innovation, the most extensive application and the largest radiation driving effect in the world. The new generation of information technology represented by 5g, integrated circuit, big data, cloud computing, blockchain, artificial intelligence, etc. has undergone rapid evolution, group breakthrough and cross integration. The "technology industry" interaction and iteration effect continues to increase, and is profoundly changing the global technology industry system The mode of world economic development and the pattern of international industrial division of labor.

  Since the "13th five year plan", China's information technology innovation capability has been greatly improved, 5g mobile communication technology, equipment and application innovation have taken the lead in the world, smart phones have entered the world's advanced ranks, and a series of landmark achievements have been made in the fields of integrated circuits and software. However, we should also be aware that China's information technology innovation ability is still not strong, the situation that key core technologies are controlled by others has not been fundamentally changed, and the risks and hidden dangers faced under the impact of the external environment have increased.

  Adhere to self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology, deeply implement the innovation driven development strategy, vigorously strengthen key core technology research, accelerate R & D breakthroughs and iterative applications in high-end chips, sensors, general-purpose processors, key basic software and other fields, improve innovation capabilities such as blockchain, Internet of things, industrial Internet and artificial intelligence, strengthen the layout of cutting-edge technologies such as quantum information, advanced computing and future networks, and strive to create independent, controllable A safe and controllable industrial chain supply chain.

  Accelerate the establishment of an industrial technology innovation system with enterprises as the main body, market orientation and deep integration of industry, University, research and application, support and guide innovation elements to gather in enterprises, strengthen the construction of industrial common technology platforms, give prominence to the construction of core information technology and product ecosystems, promote cross-border innovation among industry enterprises, platform enterprises and technology service enterprises, and support the development of innovation consortia such as digital technology open source communities, Strengthen the financing innovation of upstream, middle and downstream industries and large, medium and small enterprises.

  Accelerate the construction of new digital infrastructure

  Consolidate the foundation of digital economy development

  At present, the information infrastructure is developing towards an intelligent comprehensive infrastructure featuring high-speed ubiquitous, integration of heaven and earth, cloud network integration, intelligence, agility, green, low-carbon, safety and controllability, which further enhances the driving role of economic and social transformation and development.

  The outline of the 14th five year plan proposes to accelerate the construction of new infrastructure. In recent years, China's information infrastructure has been continuously optimized and its supply capacity has been significantly enhanced. The world's largest optical fiber and mobile broadband networks have been built. The transformation of optical fiber has been fully completed. 4G networks cover urban and rural areas. 5g networks have accelerated development. A total of 916000 5g base stations have been built, and the number of 5g mobile terminal connections has exceeded 365million. We should take advantage of the momentum, strengthen planning and system layout, and strive to build a new digital infrastructure system based on communication networks, with data and computing facilities as the core, and with integrated infrastructure as the breakthrough. Accelerate the upgrading of information infrastructure.

  We will implement the action plan for coordinated development of "dual Gigabit" networks, promote the upgrading of gigabit optical networks, and build high-quality, intensive, efficient, safe and reliable 5g networks. Implement 5g application innovation action plan, cultivate 5g industrial ecology, and systematically expand application fields. We will further promote network speed and quality. We will improve IPv6's end-to-end connectivity, promote the all-round development of the mobile Internet of things, improve the compensation mechanism for universal telecommunications services, and optimize the layout of international telecommunications import and export offices. Overall layout of green and intelligent data and computing facilities.

  Promote the construction of the national integrated big data center system, create a number of national hub nodes and regional big data center clusters, promote the construction of the national industrial Internet big data center, and guide the data center to develop in the direction of "two high and one low" with high technology, high efficiency and low emissions. Build a multi-level computing infrastructure system, promote the construction of public data sharing and exchange platforms, big data trading centers and other facilities, and improve the service capacity of artificial intelligence infrastructure. At the same time, we will actively develop efficient and collaborative integration infrastructure, accelerate the construction and transformation of the infrastructure of the Internet of vehicles, and use 5g, big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies to intelligentize the traditional infrastructure.

2022/06/14 15:28:36 290 Number