Business field

Solve difficulties and accelerate the construction of enterprise digital platform

  In recent years, the process of digital upgrading of domestic industries has been accelerating. The new infrastructure represented by the construction of the Internet of things, 5g network, big data and artificial intelligence has been fully developed. The digital economy has become a key driving force to promote sustained and stable economic growth. Especially affected by the COVID-19, even many domestic enterprises' management mode has changed from traditional mode to digital management mode. At the same time, the enterprise digital cloud management platform plays an important role in the digital management mode.

  Difficulties in enterprise digital transformation

  Although data governance is so important for enterprises, the data governance actions of most companies have not been completed or are still in the planning stage. The overall lag is because data governance is not only a technical problem, but also a management problem. Whether in cross organizational coordination and communication, or in decision-making or continuous promotion, enterprise data governance often needs to face obstacles such as data islands, poor data quality, and data opacity.

  The information repository is still controlled by a single team or department and is not visible to the entire organization. When some factions isolate their data from other departments of the company, employees cannot benefit from the answers and insights that the data may contain. Most companies say they are experiencing moderate or high difficulty in data islands.

  Data governance requires enterprises to achieve data transparency. However, some databases are difficult to access internal data directly and can only be accessed through external interfaces. When conducting upper level applications such as data analysis, blood relationship analysis and data modeling, the flexibility is greatly limited. Some scenarios that need to use original data cannot be realized, and the value of data cannot be brought into play.

  Outsourced systems cannot keep up with business changes

  During the development process of the system, it is often unable to adapt to the changing business needs, and developers need to modify it on the basis of the original software. First, it is necessary to wait for the schedule, and the requirements may change when the schedule arrives; Second, because it is outsourced development, many codes need to be reorganized. A small change will waste developers' time. If communication and personnel flow are involved, the situation will become more complex.

  Self research team has high cost and long cycle

  The traditional software development process generally involves demand research, prototype, UI design, data model design, front-end development, back-end development, integration testing, user testing, production launch, operation and maintenance. The process cycle is long and requires many kinds of technologies. As a result, the development time is too long, and the cost of personnel recruitment and training is also large.

  Data security is worrying

  For many industries, the importance of data security is self-evident, and the database is the most important wall to ensure data security. All data is digitized, and the amount is huge. Hackers can always find a way to enter with the help of malicious insiders. If they can access your key data in some way, they can modify or even delete some of them according to their own purposes.

  So how to build a platform?

  The platform construction can be implemented according to the steps of platform planning, platform design and platform development, and finally an intelligent platform that can promote the high-quality development of enterprise business will be built.

  Platform planning: to build a digital platform, we must first define the objectives and formulate a detailed plan. On the basis of clarifying the necessity of digital transformation, the platform planning takes the digital transformation strategy as the goal guidance, and starts from the business needs of enterprises, outlines the basic blueprint for building a digital platform, and determines the resource investment on this basis.

  Platform design: including the application layer, platform layer, foundation layer and data source layer of the design platform.

  The application layer is the front-end application of the enterprise. It should be user-centered and market-oriented, and integrate the existing business applications covering the production, management and operation of the enterprise

  The platform layer takes resource sharing and reuse and rapid business construction as the core, covering various application components

  The basic layer aims to improve the operation and management efficiency, including the basic cloud platform, the infrastructure for the whole network data access and the network

  The data source layer is built to ensure that the enterprise data source can be fully collected, and can collect, analyze, mine, store and apply data.

  Platform development: platform development mainly includes the following parts

  One is to develop componentized business foreground in the application layer; Business front desk includes but is not limited to business processing platform, customer service platform and enterprise dispatching platform.

  The second is to complete the network data access development of multi-channel access network data on the basic layer, such as optical fiber transmission, wireless network and public network transmission.

  The third is the development of enterprise data center on the data source layer.

  How to manage and operate the digital platform

  Digital platform operation is mainly carried out from three levels: application level, platform level and business level.

  (1) Application level: build an application iteration mode integrating construction and operation

  The application level operation is mainly the iterative optimization of the front-end application of the exponential platform. The functional operation of the digital platform needs to focus on the two aspects of "integration of construction and operation" and "data drive": first, a closed-loop management mechanism integrating the construction and operation of digital applications should be established based on the Devops mode (including processes, methods and systems), and the agile development and continuous iteration of digital applications should be carried out relying on the digital platform. The second is to select key indicators based on user experience, use data and digital tools to carry out real-time monitoring and analysis, and continuously benchmark with industry best practices, so as to promote continuous iterative optimization of products and improve user experience.

  (2) Platform level: form a platform operation ecology of co construction and sharing

  Platform level operation mainly refers to the continuous precipitation and improvement of technical capabilities such as exponential platform models, algorithms and components. Enterprises need to adhere to the operation concept of "equality, openness, co construction and sharing", formulate the specifications for the development, access and transfer of shared service components, establish a reward and punishment mechanism for the construction and operation of shared service components, and encourage internal and external teams of enterprises to carry out the development and innovation of shared service components based on a unified digital platform. In accordance with the principle of "supporting business, precipitating sharing, urgent needs first, and problem orientation", business applications with common characteristics are precipitated to the shared service platform, gradually creating a platform operation ecology of co construction and sharing, forming a virtuous circle.

  (3) Business level: build a freely spliced business process model

  Business level operation mainly refers to the reconstruction and iteration of business processes based on the digital platform. Based on the digital platform, through combing and disassembling business processes, identify and extract business links that can be shared and reused, precipitate and form building block and callable service components, provide shared services to the business platform in a componentized way for shared use, reconstruct and form flexible business processes, and respond quickly to the rapidly changing user needs of the front end.

2022/06/16 14:10:45 286 Number