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Industrial Internet illuminates the future of manufacturing industry!

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the number of unmanned factories in China has gradually increased. So far, 103 factories from 22 industries in the world have been rated as "lighthouse factories" by the World Economic Forum (WEF). These factories represent the highest level of global intelligent manufacturing. Among them, 37 are located in China, accounting for more than 1/3, and the total number ranks first in the world. The hero behind these unmanned factories is the new generation of information technology such as the industrial Internet. It can be said that the unmanned factory is a "model room" for the landing of industrial Internet.

  The industrial Internet is a "multiplier" for the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry. As a key infrastructure for the deep integration of the new generation of information and communication technology and manufacturing industry, since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's industrial Internet has developed rapidly and steadily. From concept popularization to industry deep cultivation, it provides a way to realize the digitalization, networking and intelligence of the manufacturing industry through the efficient connection of all factors, all industry chains and all value chains. The industrial scale is also increasing year by year. By the first quarter of 2022, the scale of China's industrial Internet industry has exceeded the trillion yuan mark.

  In november2017, the State Council issued the guiding opinions on deepening the development of industrial Internet by "Internet + Advanced Manufacturing". This programmatic document is like a "spring rain", pointing out the direction for the development of China's industrial Internet. Subsequently, the Ministry of industry and information technology, together with relevant departments, issued the action plan for industrial Internet development (2018-2020), which defined the key tasks for the three-year initial stage and provided guidance for China to accelerate the innovative development of industrial Internet. Focusing on the three systems of industrial Internet network, platform and security, the Ministry of industry and information technology successively issued guiding and practical documents to further clarify development objectives and refine key tasks. In july2018, the guidelines for the construction and promotion of industrial Internet platforms were issued, in december2018, the guidelines for the construction and promotion of industrial Internet networks were issued, and in july2019, the guidance on strengthening industrial Internet security was issued jointly with multiple departments. In march2020, the Ministry of industry and information technology issued the notice on accelerating the development of industrial Internet, proposing 20 measures in six aspects, providing action guidelines for accelerating the innovative development of industrial Internet in China. In April, 2022, the Ministry of industry and information technology issued the 2022 work plan of the special working group on industrial Internet, which put forward key tasks such as consolidating infrastructure, deepening integrated application, strengthening technological innovation and cultivating industrial ecology around the upgrading of industrial Internet, so as to further promote the accelerated development of the industry.

  Local governments have successively issued and implemented policies according to local conditions, and the policy of regional dislocation development has basically taken shape. Since 2018, 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) have developed the development path of travel alienation in combination with local industrial characteristics, and used diversified policy tools to support the development of industrial applications. Many places have also guided the development of local industrial Internet by setting up industrial Internet venture capital funds and providing tax and electricity support. In 2022, 21 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities listed the industrial Internet as the work task of this year in the government work report, made active deployment, and accelerated the construction of industrial Internet demonstration areas in many places.

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, especially since 2018, the Ministry of industry and information technology has deeply implemented the innovation and development strategy of industrial Internet, continuously improved the innovation ability of industrial Internet, and achieved a series of phased and landmark achievements, which has pushed the development of China's industrial Internet into the fast lane.

  At the network level, the improvement of the industrial Internet network system has accelerated, and the industrial Internet identity resolution system centered on the country's top nodes has begun to take shape. Up to now, the industrial Internet infrastructure of "cloud edge" coordinated development has basically taken shape, the networking mode and business mode of "5g+ industrial Internet" have been maturing, the hybrid networking mode has been accelerated, and the practice of ot+it+ct flat network architecture based on 5g technology has initially taken shape. "5g+ industrial Internet" has formed 20 typical application scenarios in 10 key industries, such as remote equipment control and machine vision quality inspection, enabling the transformation and upgrading of thousands of industries to achieve remarkable results. By the end of December 2021, China's industrial Internet identification resolution secondary nodes have accessed 168 in total, and the identification application innovation and application scenarios have been constantly enriched. By the first quarter of 2022, 75 projects, including the international root node of the industrial Internet identity resolution system and the national industrial Internet big data center, had been completed and put into operation.

  At the platform level, the driving effect of the industrial Internet platform continued to increase. By the first quarter of 2022, a multi-level industrial Internet platform system at the national, industrial and enterprise levels has been preliminarily established. In China, there are more than 150 industrial Internet platforms with industrial and regional influence, more than 78million sets (sets) of connected industrial equipment, and more than 1.6 million service industrial enterprises. In May, 2022, the Ministry of industry and information technology selected 28 cross industry and cross domain industrial Internet platforms such as Kaos cosmoplat, root cloud and Alibaba cloud superet, which further promoted the cross industry and cross domain industrial Internet platforms to strengthen their own capacity-building. In addition, platform enterprises rely on industry experience and innovative practice to provide professional services and drive the improvement of industry level. In particular, the lightweight application of "low cost, fast deployment, easy operation and maintenance, and strong security" provided by the industrial Internet platform for small and medium-sized enterprises has effectively reduced the threshold of enterprise digital transformation.

  At the security level, the construction of the industrial Internet security system was accelerated. Up to now, the national, provincial and enterprise coordinated technology monitoring service system has been basically completed, the national industrial Internet security situational awareness platform has been connected to 31 provincial platforms, and the pilot work of classified and hierarchical management of industrial Internet enterprise network security has been further promoted. In depth development of enterprise application. A number of leading enterprises such as 360 company have built an industrial Internet Security brain, formed network depth mapping through local industrial situation awareness and Internet industrial radar to analyze the targets to be attacked, and attacked, controlled and returned target data through the anti traceability network; Target threats are found and matched through the sample capture system and sample analysis system for industrial malicious code detection, covering IOT, PLC, application software and other equipment and systems involved in the industrial control system.

  At the application level, the depth and breadth of industrial Internet convergence applications have accelerated. Up to now, China's industrial Internet has been applied in 45 national economic categories. The industrial Internet not only promotes the quality improvement, cost reduction and efficiency increase of individual enterprises, but also drives the collaborative and efficient operation of upstream and downstream of the industrial chain. The application scenarios have been expanded from point to area, from external links such as sales and logistics to internal links such as R & D and design, production and manufacturing, control and detection, and have been widely used in all links of the product life cycle. The regional agglomeration effect is increasing. The Yangtze River Delta region relies on the complementary advantages of three provinces and one city to build the country's first industrial Internet integrated development demonstration zone; Chengdu and Chongqing gather resources such as industry, science and technology, talents, data and production factors, and vigorously promote the construction of industrial Internet integrated development demonstration zone; Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei accelerate the construction of industrial Internet network, platform, data, security and other functional systems, and create a demonstration area for coordinated development of industrial Internet; Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Dawan district has become a large-scale application highland in China by virtue of the advantages of advanced manufacturing industry clusters.

  The scenery should be long-term, and the concentration should be magnificent. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the construction of China's industrial Internet infrastructure has been steadily promoted, the application innovation ecology has continued to grow, and the economic and social contributions have been continuously enhanced. Standing at a new historical starting point, China's industrial Internet will enter a stage of rapid development and inject greater energy into the construction of a manufacturing power.

2022/06/25 15:16:09 282 Number