Summary of 30 typical lifting accidents in steel works

  As we all know, safety precautions in steel production are the top priority. During operation, failure to operate according to the process flow and safety management will cause immeasurable safety accidents. The following are some accidents occurred in steel production. I hope to make more steel workers realize the importance of safety.

  Case 1: walk alone during inspection, and the car starts to break the finger

  Overview of casualties

  1、 Simple process of accident

  On December 24, 1993, an electrician Huang (male, 25 years old, Grade 7 electrician) at the electric furnace plant of a steel company carried out an electrical inspection on the crown block. After checking the sliding line of the crown block, he wanted to get off. His foot was tripped by the platform diagonal support, and his body tripped. Instinctively, he kept his body balance with the hand support. He held his left hand on the small track of the crown block, and the car just came over and ran over Huang's hand, and rolled off his left thumb, index finger and middle finger. After the accident, Mr. Huang himself went to the safety door at the end beam of the crown block and turned off the emergency switch and greeted the crown block driver. This caused serious injury to Huang.

  2、 Accident cause

  A. When Huang boarded the train during the running gap of the crown block, he did not turn off the safety switch and did not greet the driver when getting on the train. The driver did not know.

  B. Electricians should work together at least two people, and one person should work in violation of regulations.

  C. It is not enough to walk on the crown block.

  III. Preventive measures

  Strictly implement the safety operation regulations and make good contact with the cross operation.

  Case 2: The weight of the lifting object was not clearly confirmed, and the object fell and injured people to death

  1、 Accident process

  On July 17, 2001, at the oxygen plant of a steel company, the 2 # and 3 # air compressor filters arrived and unloaded, and the 8T truck crane was used to park at the rear of the truck, and the first piece was lifted off smoothly. At this time, Ren (male, 28 years old, university, head of the mobile section) and Liu came out of the factory to discuss its use on the west side of the first piece. At 14:35, the second piece was lifted. When the main body of the air filter was lifted out of the truck slot and began to fall, The lower southwest corner of the main body of the box rubs against the top of the right slot of the hanging truck, and the box rapidly swings to the south. At the same time, the head of the truck crane cocks up, and the lifting object falls rapidly, hitting anyone standing within the rotating radius of the lifting object, and the rescue is invalid and dead.

  2、 Accident cause

  a) The crane driver did not confirm the weight of the lifted object clearly, estimated it to be light, and operated in violation of regulations.

  b) The lifting operation management is poor, and there is no professional lifting commander and rigger.

  c) The unloading position is improper, and any station is improper.

  3、 Preventive measures

  The lifting operation must adhere to the principle of "ten no lifting", and the lifting operation must be carried out by professional personnel.

  Case 3: The sling is seriously overloaded and the pipe falls to death

  1、 Accident process

  On January 8, 2001, an iron and steel company was engaged in the removal and transportation of dust suction pipes (10.85 meters long, 8.27 tons total weight) in the converter maintenance of the steelmaking plant. The riveter Liu Mou and the lifting worker Liu Mou confirmed the pipe lifting lug and estimated the weight to be about 4 tons, and selected a chain block of 2 tons and ф 15.5mm steel wire ropes were respectively hung on the lifting lugs on the east and west sides of the pipeline. At about 10:40, Teng, the driver of the 4 # crown block, under the command of Zhang, the deputy head of the production section (welcome to pay attention to Tyco Steel), drove the 4 # crown block to the 2 # mixing furnace on the west side under the condition of 90 ° rotation of the pipeline. At this time, the chain block and steel wire rope for lifting suddenly broke, and the pipeline fell onto the bridge of the 2 # mixing furnace, Zhang (male, 30 years old, high school, mixer monitor), who was working on the bridge of 2 # mixer furnace, was hit in the head and died on the spot. Xu, who was working with him, was slightly injured.

  2、 Accident cause

  A. The lifting sling is seriously overloaded and no measures are taken to prevent the object from rotating.

  B. The crown block operator made a mistake in confirming the position of the operator before the tap hole of the 2 # mixing furnace.

  3、 Preventive measures

  The lifting operation must be standardized and all safety confirmation procedures must be performed.

  Case 4: Entering the operation range of the crown block and being hit to death

  1、 Accident process

  At about 9:30 in the morning shift on January 13, 2001, Wu (male, 51 years old, lifting worker, demobilized in 1979), the lifting worker of the steelmaking branch of a steel plant, wrote the billet furnace number on the train cover and instructed the crane to load the steel billets. Zhang, the crane operator, sucked the steel billets at the steel billet stacking place. Since the steel billets stacked in the west were close to the suspended steel billets, which affected the direct lifting of the crane, Zhang, after warning, picked up the steel billets (about 200 mm high) and moved eastward. At this time, after writing the furnace number, Wu ran to a distant car and was hit by the steel billet moving eastward into his right abdomen, which was invalid and died.

  2、 Accident cause

  Wu ignored the ringing of the bell and was careless, violating the rule that "no one is allowed to walk or stay within the operating range of the crown block".

  3、 Preventive measures and lessons learned

  Implement safety passage measures and prohibit illegal operation.

  Case 5: The crown block worker was crushed to death by the crown block when he crossed the railing in violation of regulations

  1、 Accident process

  At about 11:40 on February 11, 2001, Xia Mou, the crown block worker of the steel-making branch of a steel plant, drove the 3 # crown block slowly to push the 2 # crown block closer to the 1 # crown block, and squeezed Feng Mou (male, 32 years old, crown block worker, one month's change of position in the same type of work), who was preparing to cross the 1 # crown block, between the bottom of the 1 # crown block operation room and the platform rail to death.

  2、 Accident cause

  A. Do not follow the right path and seriously violate the rules.

  B. The site environment is unfamiliar and the risk factors are unclear.

  3、 Preventive measures and lessons learned

  Identify the hazard source points, warn the risk factors, and put an end to habitual violations.

  Case 6: The steel wire rope is broken due to overloading, and the slag falls down, causing death

  1、 Accident process

  At about 9:10 on March 8, 2001, Zhao, the furnace builder of a steel pipe company, was responsible for transporting the waste slag from the work site. Zhao commanded the gantry crane to lift 12 tons of waste slag onto the dump truck. During the fall of waste slag, Zhao climbed onto the truck to adjust the waste slag and prepared to take off the rope. When the slag is about 25cm away from the bottom of the car, the wire rope is suddenly pulled off, and the slag falls down to make the head of the dump truck tilt up. This slag and another piece of slag weighing about 4 tons that has been placed in the front of the car slide down from the car, and Zhao, who is standing between the two pieces of slag, slides down and is crushed to death.

  2、 Accident cause

  A. The wire rope is broken due to overload. "The safety factor of wire rope for hanging shall not be less than 6".

  B. When the lifting object does not fall stably, get on the vehicle and adjust the rope removal.

  3、 Preventive measures

  The lifting of heavy objects must be carried out by lifting workers; Confirm the safety factor of wire rope.

  Case 7: The driver died of being crushed by the cargo without a certificate

  1、 Accident process

  At 11:15 on April 2, 2001, in a steel pipe company, the driver, Mr. Wang (male, 40 years old, 17 years of service in this type of work), drove to the finished product warehouse to load the steel pipe packing box, and lifted it with an overhead crane. The warehouse delivery man hooked it on the ground, and Mr. Wang loaded it on the vehicle. The delivery man said "it is not stable to put two boxes together". When Wang re-hung the two boxes, his right foot was on the empty iron box and his left foot was on the truck guard. Because of the slip of his left foot, he grabbed the empty box to be hooked, and the box fell down from the truck with people. The empty box pressed on Wang's chest and head, and the rescue was invalid and died.

  2、 Accident cause

  A. In violation of the safety operation regulations of the company's truck loader, the driver hooks and lifts the goods without a certificate.

  B. The warehouse deliverer commands the lifting without certificate in violation of regulations.

  3、 Preventive measures

  Strictly implement: safety operation regulations for truck loaders. When transporting goods that are higher than the trunk plate, the pile foot guard must be inserted and tied firmly to ensure that the goods will not slide or fall due to vibration during transportation.

  Case 8: Death accident caused by driving crown block without license

  1) Simple process of accident

  On the night shift of June 11, 2001, at the wire rod plant of a steel company, the deputy chief monitor Liu Mou (without the crane operation certificate) opened the crane to lift the red steel that had just entered the steel running groove. The monitor Hou Mou and the roughing operator Ye Mou hooked up. Without picking the scrap head out of the scrap groove (welcome to pay attention to Tyco Steel), the scrap was directly hung on the crane hook. Ye stood at the edge of a platform 2.5 meters away from the hook point. When Liu operated the crown block to lift the scrap steel, the tail of the scrap steel was stuck by the vertical baffle of the disc shear, causing the lifted scrap steel to be tensioned instantaneously. After the crown block continued to pull and bear the force, the tail of the scrap steel suddenly separated from the stuck point and contracted sharply to the northeast. The tail of the scrap steel (section 32 * 32 mm, steel temperature 950 degrees) bounced Ye under the standing platform, and the head was 1.8 meters away from the edge of the platform, The hoisted scrap steel slipped over Ye Mou's body and was rescued for three days. Invalid death.

  2、 Accident cause

  A. Mr. Liu drives the crown block without a license and does not confirm before driving.

  B. The lifting object is connected with other objects, causing chain dangerous movement.

  3、 Preventive measures

  Special equipment must be operated by special personnel with certificates; The lifted object must be confirmed.

  Case 9: fatal accident caused by the fall of the crown wheel

  1、 Accident process

  On June 14, 2001, a special steel machinery and installation company inspected the crown block. At 21:30, Mr. Jin, Mr. Song and Mr. Lin tied the chain block at the crown block track beam. The big wheel tied with steel wire rope was lifted from the winch to the highest position. After the big wheel was put on the small steel wire rope, the three rope ends were hooked with the chain block. When Mr. Zhang operated the winch point, the big wheel immediately fell on the cement platform below the track, The four-quarter rope buckle tied to the wheel turned over without strain, and the rope head hit the wheel handle, the slide buckle was loose, the chain block was tight, and the small hook of the chain block was unhooked when the starting point was needed, and the slide buckle tied to the wheel was also unhooked, and the big wheel fell, knocking Su (male, 28 years old, graduated from technical school, 8 years of service in this type of work) on the lower platform to death.

  2、 Accident cause

  A. During the working process, there is no confirmation of whether the rope is normal at any time.

  B. The safety supervisor is not in place.

  C. Lack of unified command at the cross operation site

  3、 Preventive measures

  The rope shall be confirmed in the whole process before and during work; Cross operation shall be under unified command and supervision.

  Case 10: Avoid the hook head falling and die from falling from a high place on the platform

  1、 Accident process

  On August 28, 2001, the construction department of a steel plant overhauled and reinforced the rope pulley handrail in the middle of the hopper car in the iron making plant. At 16:15, Hu led Wang, Li and others to lift the steel pipe used for the handrail from the south yard platform to the lifting hole of the west tuyere platform, and assigned Li to open the top of the furnace, and Wang and others bound the steel pipe. At this time, Hu commanded the crown block to drop the small hook, and when the small hook of the crown block was about 1.8 meters away from the tuyere platform, He heard an abnormal sound accompanied by debris and dust falling, and told everyone to move away quickly. When Hu and others jumped from the large cover of the lifting hole on the air outlet platform to look back, the large cover in the middle of the lifting hole fell to the ground. Wang (male, 31 years old, junior high school, welder, 15 years of service) fell to the ground with the platform, and died after rescue.

  2、 Accident cause

  A. When operating the small hook, Mr. Li, the crown block operator, accidentally touched the control handle of the hook, causing the main hook to lose control and the wire rope to be pulled, causing the hook head to fall.

  B. The lifting limit of the coupler head fails, and the main hook has no lifting limit protection.

  C. Mr. Li did not check and confirm before operating the crown block.

  3、 Preventive measures

  Solve the defects of crown block equipment and ensure that all safety parts of crown block are in good condition.

  Case 11: boarded the guardrail illegally and was killed by the gantry crane trolley

  1、 Accident process

  On September 21, 2001, the point inspection personnel of a coking plant of an iron and steel company, Zhang Mou (deputy head of the point inspection station, male, 46 years old, 26 years of service) and Zhou Mou, went to the workshop for routine inspection. At 8:20, Zhang Mou boarded the top platform of the 2 # gantry crane without informing the driver of the 2 # gantry crane, Hong Mou, to check the gantry crane trolley. At 8:27, the 4 # gantry crane driver saw someone fall on the platform of the 2 # gantry crane trolley, and immediately called the 2 # gantry crane driver. Hong stopped and found Zhang fell on the channel outside the gantry crane trolley, seriously injured and killed.

  2、 Accident cause

  A. Zhang boarded the guardrail in violation of regulations and was hit by the traveling gantry crane trolley to death.

  B. The door entering the gantry crane and bridge is not equipped with protective device.

  C. Habitual behavior, getting on the bus without informing the driver.

  3、 Preventive measures

  Improve the protection device of gantry crane; Eliminate habitual violations.

  Case 12: Finger fracture and serious injury caused by improper grasping

  1、 Accident process

  At 12:40 on July 7, 1997, Sun Mou (male, 34 years old, junior high school), a steel caster in the electric furnace plant of an iron and steel company, commanded the 9 # crown block in the auxiliary span of the main plant to demould the steel ingot. Due to Sun Mou's improper grasp of the small hook of the wire rope, when the small hook was lifted, Sun Mou's right hand was pinched and injured at the connection between the hook head connecting ring and the wire rope, and he was sent to the hospital to amputate a thumb.

  2、 Accident cause

  A. The driver of the crown block lifts the crane before the person who is tied with the wire rope has avoided.

  B. Sun's hand is inappropriate.

  3、 Preventive measures

  The crane operator must avoid the ground personnel before lifting.

  Case 13: Finger fracture and serious injury caused by uncoordinated cooperation

  1、 At 17:20 on July 13, 1997, Liu Mou (male, 32 years old, junior high school), a steel pouring worker in a steel plant of an iron and steel company, pushed and held the steel trough with both hands during the process of commanding the overhead crane to overflow the steel trough. When he was placed at the designated place, his upper body lost its balance, and his right hand was pulled down by the trough edge and squeezed between the two steel troughs, resulting in a traumatic amputation of the right hand's index, middle and ring fingers.

  2、 Accident cause

  A. The overflow steel trough shall be stacked by the method of crown block.

  B. During the operation, Liu Mou held the steel trough with both hands and directed with his back to the crown block, blocking the driver's vision of the crown block, resulting in uncoordinated cooperation.

  3、 Preventive measures

  Adjust the position of stacking steel trough and other crown block operations, and do not pull sideways.

  Case 14: The wire rope is not fastened properly, and the lifting object falls and kills people

  1、 At 11:15 on August 31, 1996, the overhead crane worker of a steel plant of a steel company, Hu, pointed to the crane worker, Su, who was lifting the tundish at the transition span. Because the steel wire rope was not fastened properly, the tundish tilted. When driving 15 meters eastward to the top of the 1 # caster, the tundish fell and killed Song (male, 28 years old, cutting worker) who was working.

  2、 Accident cause

  A. The crane worker Hu and the crane worker Su jointly operated in violation of regulations, did not confirm whether the hoisted object was hung firmly, and did not use the command signal correctly. At the same time, the crane was started before the command signal was confirmed clearly, and passed over the working personnel in a hurry.

  B. The crown block bell did not ring and did not serve as a warning.

  3、 Preventive measures

  The crown block operator must ensure that "ten do not lift" and do not drive the sick car; Professional slings for lifting heavy objects;

  Case 15: Get on the crown block at will and be squeezed to death

  1、 Accident process

  At 8:20 on August 27th, 1996, the 14 # crown block of the slag span of the steelmaking plant of an iron and steel company stopped above the 2 # slag span and wanted to lift the slag tank. At this time, the crown block worker Cui Mou (male, 52 years old, junior high school) did not contact the crown block driver, so he boarded the crown block from the platform outside the track on the south side of the crown block, and then walked north along the box girder platform on the east side of the crown block. At this time, the crown block driver started the car, The end of the motor on the trolley squeezed Cui's head on the corner of the distribution cabinet and brought it in, causing Cui's head to squeeze between the motor and the distribution cabinet, resulting in death.

  2、 Accident cause

  Get on the crown block at will without contacting the crown block driver.

  3、 Preventive measures

  Regardless of maintenance, spot check, or operation of the crown block, getting on and off the crown block must be in good contact with the crown block worker.

  Case 16: Personal injury caused by falling objects due to improper sling

  1、 Accident process

  At 4:45 on August 10, 1996, Mr. Li commanded the overhead crane to lift the oxygen gun at the steel-making plant of an iron and steel company. When the hook was dropped, the oxygen gun fell to the ground due to the uncoupling of the hair chain used to lift the oxygen gun, which caused the oxygen gun to fall to the north and hit Hao (male, furnace worker, 22 years old, Chinese technical) who was sleeping on the chair in front of the electromagnetic station door, causing serious injury.

  2、 Accident cause

  A. The oxygen lance was lifted by the hair chain, and the oxygen lance was unhooked on the ground.

  B. Sleeping on duty during the shift.

  3、 Preventive measures

  Reliable slings must be used to lift articles; Observe labor discipline in class.

  Case 17: The contact confirmation was not good, and was squeezed into serious injury

  1、 Accident process

  At 23:45 on May 3, 1996, Liu Mou (male, 39 years old, junior high school), a steel tank preparation worker of a steel company, saw that the auxiliary hook of the crown block was between the ladle machine and the leg of the ladle, and when the auxiliary hook rose, it could not pass through the water inlet, so he used the hand hook to move outward. Because of the poor match with the crown block worker, the left index finger and middle finger were crushed, and the index finger was amputated.

  2、 Accident cause

  The crown block operator and the ground personnel, Mr. Liu, were not skilled in cooperation and operated without confirmation. In order to save time, he pulled the hook while commanding the lifting of the crane, violating the regulations of the crane operator: the command signal was not clear, and the mutual protection pair failed to remind in time.

  3、 Preventive measures

  Make clear the unified command gesture and strengthen the contact with the ground personnel. It is strictly forbidden to pull the hook with one hand and command the crown block with the other hand for operation.

  Case 18: Handle the steel wire rope falling out of groove and seriously injured the finger

  1、 At 9:00 on September 16, 1995, Zhang Mou (male, 39 years old, senior high school), the foreman of the maintenance section of the steel-making plant of a steel company, was injured by the sliding hook head shield when repairing the steel wire rope of the main hook of the finishing span 32T crown block (welcome to pay attention to Tyco Steel), resulting in the amputation of two segments of the left ring finger and the rupture of the tendon of the middle finger.

  2、 Accident cause

  When the steel wire rope of the main hook of the crown block is out of groove, the main hook is not placed at a stable place, causing the main hook to slide.

  3、 Preventive measures

  When handling the steel wire rope slotting, the hook shall be put down.

  Case 19: serious injury caused by wire rope falling off

  1、 Accident process

  At 9:40 on April 14, 1995, the crane workers Fan and Hu used the 18 # crown block to lift the steel rail (12 meters long) from the car at the slag span of the steelmaking workshop. When the crown block worker Zhang lifted the steel rail for 0.4 meters, he moved the crown block car. At this time, the steel wire rope tied to the north end of the steel rail slipped off the hook of the crown block, causing the north end of the steel rail to fall, and severely injured the left hand of Hu (male, 28 years old, high school) who was standing in the north side of the car to get off.

  2、 Accident cause

  Hu commanded the crown block to unload, but it was improperly tied, with poor awareness of self-protection and improper position.

  3、 Preventive measures

  Strengthen cooperation between different types of work; The rigger shall stand safely when commanding the operation.

  Case 20: The lifting object scraped off the platform, and the platform fell and hit people to death

  1、 At 17:20 on April 1, 1995, Liang Mou, the shift leader of Class C of 1 # continuous caster in a steel making plant of a steel company, called Pan Mou of his group to drive the tundish. Because of the steel sticking on the north rail of the tundish, the rear wheel of the tundish was blocked and could not be started. Liang Mou called the crown block to hang the tundish beam to lift the tundish. When the vehicle lifted and walked on the same day, the platform standing during the ladle pouring operation was scraped off the west support, Hu (male, 41, welder), who was sitting on the bench under the platform, was injured to death.

  2、 Accident cause

  A. The ladle pouring steel platform is not fixed, but floating on the support.

  B. The chartered car can not be started, and instead of handling the steel sticking on the track, the overhead crane is used to force the car outward.

  3、 Preventive measures

  For similar rail adhesion problems, avoid dangerous operations such as using the crown block to carry the car; All platforms shall not float.

  Case 21: Illegal operation, squeezing people to death

  1、 Accident process

  On the middle shift of May 1994, Li (male, 47 years old, junior high school, slag remover) and Zhang buckled the slag tray. When hanging the first slag tray, Li hung up and said "up". At this time, Zhang also hung up the hook and waved up to command the lifting of the crown block. When the crown block driver saw that Li and Zhang had hooked up and Zhang commanded the lifting, he wanted to tighten the double hook steel wire rope, and then hung the bell on his side, and set the main hook controller of the crown block to the third gear. When pulling back to the zero position, Hearing the screaming on the ground, I found that Li was squeezed between the slag tray and the white ash bucket, and the rescue was invalid and died.

  2、 Accident cause

  A. The crown block operator violates the rules: after receiving the command signal, the crown block operator rings the bell for more than 10 seconds, and can only operate after the relevant personnel leave the dangerous area.

  B. The ash bucket is placed randomly, and the site is chaotic.

  3、 Preventive measures

  Strictly implement the safety operation regulations; Site location management.

  Case 22: The crown block does not ring, and the operation is unstable, causing serious injury

  1、 Accident process

  At 21:00 on April 21, 1996, the slag remover Zhu (male, 51 years old, primary school) in a converter plant of an iron and steel company asked the crown block to prepare for slag loading. The driver of the crown block lifted the grab bucket parked on the south side of the slag removal site and moved it from south to north according to Zhu's command. The grab bucket should be placed on the north side of the slag removal site. The grab bucket should be unbalanced and slightly lower at one end. The bucket rotation caused by the waste slag stacked on the site changed direction, resulting in large shaking, plus the inertia of the car, The grab rushed to Zhu. At this time, Zhu stood in the middle of three piles of steel wire ropes stacked in a zigzag shape. There was no place to hide. He was squeezed by the grab, resulting in a comminuted fracture at one third of the right femur, and a testicle was squeezed out.

  2、 Accident cause

  A. The crown block did not ring when starting, and the operation was not "stable and accurate".

  B. The site location management is chaotic.

  3、 Preventive measures

  The crown block operator operates according to regulations, and the site is under standard management

  Case 23: The lifting height of the crown block hook is not enough, and the hook object injured people to death

  1、 Accident process

  At 9:00 on June 10, 1969, in the steel-making plant of an iron and steel company, the slag remover Lang Mou (male, 26 years old) and two other people repaired the furnace span and cleaned the slag under the 3 # furnace. The slag wheel was buried, and the slag truck could not be started. Lang Mou commanded the 2 # crown block to lift the slag truck, and then put it down. The slag remover took off the hook of the steel wire rope. At this time, the crown block lifted the hook and drove the crane to the west. The shaking wire rope hook, one hooked the side beam of the slag truck, and the other swung up. Lang Mou dodged the swing hook, Hiding at the furnace repair crossing column, the slag truck pulled diagonally by the crown block is squeezed between the slag truck and the column, and the rescue is invalid and dead.

  2、 Accident cause

  The crown block worker Xu started the crane without command, without confirming whether the hook was attached to the lifting object, and did not lift the hook head to a certain position of the lifting object, which caused the hook to hook the slag truck.

  3、 Preventive measures

  The crown block hook must be lifted to a certain height and then operated after safety confirmation.

  Case 24: Unreasonable lifting, machine damage and death

  1、 Accident process

  At 15:50 on November 17, 1993, the slag remover Xu (male, 25 years old) of a steel plant of an iron and steel company, while commanding the casting of the overhead crane, collapsed the standing tension leveler frame and pressed the steel wire rope used for slag removal. Xu called the overhead crane, hung the small hook in the pull rod hole at one end of the tension leveler frame, and called the overhead crane to lift. When one end of the tension leveler was lifted about one meter from the ground, Xu drilled under the lifting object. When it was about to pass, the pull rod hole suddenly broke, Xu was injured by the fall of the tension leveler, and died after rescue.

  2、 Accident cause

  A. Xu went under the lifting object in violation of regulations.

  B. The selection and confirmation of the lifting point position is not enough, and the strength is not enough.

  3、 Preventive measures

  It is strictly forbidden to run over the lifting object; The hoisting objects must be fastened firmly and reliably.

  Case 25: The hook head fell off and killed people due to poor inspection and effectiveness

  1、 Accident process

  At 10:00 on January 1, 1993, Tian Mou (34 years old, crown block worker) was standing under the north platform of the auxiliary span at the steel-making plant of an iron and steel company, preparing to lift the steel ingot chain, when suddenly the small hook head of the 7 # crown block fell off and hit Tian Mou's back, causing his death.

  2、 Accident cause

  A. According to the inspection, the steel wire rope of the small hook head has no obvious wear, and the fracture mark is broken. According to the inspection of the distribution box, a broom knot was found on the main contactor, which made the limit protection fail. After removing the knot of the broom, connect the power switch, the operation is normal, the limit protection device is sensitive, and the knot of the broom makes it natural.

  B. The driver of the 7 # crown block violated the operation standard of the crown block and failed to inspect the crown block after getting on.

  3、 Preventive measures

  The safety limit must be checked and verified when taking over the shift, and the limit must be sensitive and reliable.

  Case 26: The crown block pushed the crown block, and the object fell and injured people to death

  1、 Accident process

  At 8:40 on July 3, 1987, when Guo Mou, the head of the crown block section of a steel company, commanded the crown block maintenance, Guo Mou stood on a chassis and commanded the 4 # crown block to push back the 3 # crown block. Unexpectedly, a brake wheel with a diameter of 500 mm fell from the 3 # crown block and hit Guo Mou's head, causing his death.

  2、 Accident cause

  A. Production, maintenance and cross operation forced the crown block to move back and forth, resulting in unsafe factors.

  B. The holding brake wheel was improperly placed on the crown block trolley. The crown block collision caused the holding brake wheel to fall from the rope hole of the crown block pulley.

  3、 Preventive measures

  A. When repairing the crown block, it is strictly forbidden to drive and crash, and set up road blocks and red flags.

  B. If the motor car is really needed, the maintenance personnel must be informed in advance for safety confirmation.

  As an example, 27: drinking in class, seriously hurting yourself

  1、 Accident process

  At 7:00 on January 26, 1994, at the ironmaking plant of an iron and steel company, the iron-countering worker in front of the furnace commanded the 1 # crown block to hang the 35T iron ladle with his hand on the tipping hook and contact the 35T iron ladle. Here, the crown block worker could not see. Liu commanded the crown block to lift without leaving his hand. After the crown block moved, he squeezed his right hand and palm against the guard plate of the tipping hook and the tail hook of the iron ladle, causing serious injury.

  2、 Accident cause

  Liu violated discipline in his class, drank too much and became delirious.

  3、 Preventive measures

  A. Make special support tools for tipping, and change the unsafe operation of operators directly holding the tipping hook with their hands.

  B. Strictly implement labor discipline

  Case 28: Unauthorized operation of crown block, resulting in death of others

  1、 Accident process

  At 2:00 on December 24, 1993, in a steel rolling mill of an iron and steel company, the crane driver, Ma, was lifting the ingot to hit the uneven ingot on the level car without command (welcome to pay attention to Tyco Steel) when he happened to meet the steel worker, Zheng (26 years old), who returned to the edge of the steel pile to pick up gloves, and squeezed his head between the ingot and the steel pile, causing Zheng's death.

  2、 Accident cause

  The driver of the crown block violated the regulations and started without command.

  3、 Preventive measures and lessons learned

  The crown block operator is not allowed to move without command

  Case 29: Work without saying hello, resulting in serious injury

  1、 Accident process

  On July 4, 1987, in a steel rolling plant of an iron and steel company, Xu, with four electricians, set up lighting cables. Because the pipe could not be penetrated, he changed to the binding method. When getting on the main span crown block, he thought the time was short and did not greet the crown block worker. When he was about to stand up after the binding, the main span crown block came from west to east, and Xu was hung down by the end beam of the crown block, causing serious injury.

  2、 Accident cause

  A. Didn't say hello to the crane operator when working at height.

  B. More than two people are required for electrical operation.

  C. No road card and red flag are set when working on the crown block track

  3、 Preventive measures

  When working within the operation range of the crown block, the driver of the crown block must be contacted.

  Case 30: It is easy to draw a picture, hang the support, and the support is welded, resulting in death

  1、 Accident process

  At about 7:30 on July 3, 1997, a steel construction and installation company, the lifting workers Kong and Xing went to the construction site to lift the furnace skin. After the crane and plate car were in place, Kong saved time and directly lifted the furnace skin support without hanging the lifting ring. After putting it on the car, it was found that it was unstable. During the adjustment process of getting on the car, the support was welded, causing Kong and the 3T furnace skin to turn down from the car together, and the upper body was pressed under the furnace skin, resulting in invalid rescue and death.

  2、 Accident cause

  A. The support was lifted by someone in the hole in violation of regulations, causing the support to be welded.

  B. The crane driver leaves the situation that does not meet the safety requirements.

  3、 Preventive measures

  Lift the lifting lugs on both sides and bind them as required; The crane driver refuses to command lifting in violation of regulations.

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